749 East 500 South, Salt Lake City
This might be just the place for you. Gilgal Garden is a city park, and SLC cuts the grass, pays the
water bill, and does the heavy work like pruning the trees. The garden is maintained by a group
of dedicated gardeners from the Salt Lake County Gardening Association. We are looking for
new helpers, we have had four team members move away recently.
Our team works in the garden a few hours each week, on Tuesday mornings, from about the
middle of March until Halloween . If you don’t know much about gardening and want to learn, we
can teach you. Some of us are Master Gardeners. Bring your own small tools, and a bucket. We
have big shovels, rakes, and wheel barrows.
We have a lot of fun and maintain all Covid precautions.
Last year, Gilgal Sculpture Garden was the first Utah site to be chosen for the Distinctive
Destinations program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation . This showcases Gilgal as
“a unique and special place in Utah.”
Our board, FOGG (Friends of Gilgal Sculpture Garden), is in the process of applying for a
Conservation Easement to protect the garden. Exciting times!!
We received an award from City Weekly for the Best Volunteer Garden Team in Utah !
For more information, contact Judi Short 801.864.7387 or judi.short@gmail.com