Located at 749 East 500 South in Salt Lake City, Gilgal Sculpture Garden was envisioned, designed and created by Thomas Battersby Child, Jr. in the mid-twentieth century.
Tucked in the middle of the block behind houses and businesses, many are still unaware of its existence and enjoy a true sense of discovery when they visit the garden for the first time.
Gilgal Sculpture Garden contains 12 original sculptures and over 70 stones engraved with scriptures, poems, and literary texts. As a whole, Gilgal Sculpture Garden is significant as the only identified “visionary art environment” in Utah.
The public is invited to visit the garden seven days a week. There is no admission charge. Walking tour brochures are available at the garden. Visiting hours: April/September – 8 am to 8 pm October/March – 9 am to 5 pm Closed New Year Day; Thanksgiving; Christmas.
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Gilgal Stories
Peyton Reynolds
The first time I found the garden was by happenstance I stumbling upon it with a friend while in Salt Lake I was so amazed by this hidden gem, hiding right in the center of Salt Lake. That next time I was in Salt Lake with some friends, I brought them to the garden to…
Bryan Crapo
I became familiar with this very special unique place in 1973 while visiting Trolley Square. Although I have lived in Salt Lake most of my life I have never returned as I don’t want the haunting memory of that experience tainted in any way.
Dave Soutter
My first encounter with Gilgal was in 1975, when I was in high school. A friend told me about it, and we decided to visit on a late winter night after seeing a movie at Trolley Square. The chain link fence entrance gate was locked. On the gate was a plain sign which read GILGAL…
Gilgal Needs Gardeners
This might be just the place for you. Gilgal Garden is a city park, and SLC cuts the grass and does the heavy work like pruning the trees. The garden is maintained by a group of dedicated gardeners from the Salt Lake County Gardening Association. We are looking for new helpers.