Thomas Child employed several gardeners to maintain the lovely plantings in Gilgal Garden. After his death, the garden became increasingly overgrown and unkempt. In 2001, the Salt Lake County Master Gardener Association adopted Gilgal Garden as one of its community projects. Since then, Master Gardener members have donated thousands of hours of labor clearing out overgrown areas, tilling in new mulch, and planting new flowers and shrubs.
In 2013, the Salt Lake City Council approved funding to replace the garden’s very old irrigation system. The new system provides a much more predictable and sustainable way of caring for the plants, shrubs, and trees in the garden. The Salt Lake Master Gardener Association has redesigned the plantings to be more water-wise and to bloom three seasons of the year. The plantings will even have interest even in the winter.
The work of the Master Gardeners has helped restore the garden’s original atmosphere, enhanced visitors’ ability to view the art, and created a beautiful oasis in the heart of Salt Lake City. Friends of Gilgal Garden sincerely thanks the Salt Lake County Master Gardeners Association for its invaluable work and dedication to preserving the beauty of Gilgal Garden.
When Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson officially opened Gilgal Garden to the public in October 2000, he described it as “an absolute jewel.” We invite you to use this guide to explore Gilgal Garden, ponder its mysteries, and find your own treasures.
For more formation about the Master Gardener program, visit: